Monday, April 2, 2012

Your Aura: Protecting, Clearing and Strengthening


Protecting Your Aura:

1) Bubble of Protection)

Ask your Guardian Angles to put a bubble of protection around your aura, shielding you from all negative vibrations, or anything you would not want in your aura. You can do this step mentally, or out loud, whatever is most comfortable for you
As your Angels to do this, visualize the bubble forming, and becoming thick and strong.
If you ask your Angels to help, and also add your spiritual powers of visualization and intent, you will make a very strong shield!
Take your time with this. Give yourself 30 seconds to 3 minutes to shield yourself.
Gold, Purple, and Cobalt Blue are very popular colors for bubbles of protection. You can also have use layers of colors if you like. Layers of color will provide you with extra protection.
If you are around someone who has ill intent, wishes you harm, or very bad vibes, ask your Angels for an Emergency Bubble of Steel to Shield you! Again, use your spiritual powers of visualization, and of intent!
To make this shield extra strong, remember to focus on it for more than 30 seconds.
Any Bubble you create to protect yourself with, can be visualized again throughout the day as many times as you like! This will only make it more a powerful and impenetrable force.

Clearing Your Aura:

1) Angel Shower
Ask your Guardian Angels to shower you in Angelic light, and fill your aura with beautiful colors. You can chose the colors, or just use a clear white light. Visualize this as it is happening. I see a crystal clear white light, sometimes a violet and pink mixed in. See the Angelic light raining down upon you, and any negative vibrations being washed off you and into the ground. You can visualize the negative vibrations as ugly colors being washed away, into the Earth to be cleansed and healed.
Be patient, give it a few minutes. When it is done, and your aura is cleared you will know. You will feel the difference!

2) Salt Bath:
Adding one to two table spoons of sea salt to a warm bath and soaking in it will be very effective in clearing your aura. If you do not have sea salt, you can use regular table salt. It also works. Stay in the bath for a least 10 minutes so all negativity can be absorbed by the water and cleansed by the salt.

 3) The Violet Flame
This is a very powerful technique.
(See my blog on Protection Skills for Empaths).

Raising your Aura’s Vibration to Strengthen it

Much damage to the aura does not come from OUTSIDE our aura, but from of INSIDE  it.
It is not always someone else with bad intent, or bad vibrations. (Bad vibrations are not ill intent, they are simply the vibrations given off by unhappy emotions and negative thoughts. We ALL go through those times).
We very often damage our own auras every day, without knowing it.
The negative thoughts we have about ourselves and our lives are very damaging to the aura.
It is very important to clear and strengthen your aura from the inside. The stronger and more clear your aura, the more protected you are from anyone and anything around you that could affect your aura.
At the same time, feeling lousy, anxious, depressed and getting away from beating ourselves up is not easy!
But, there are two simple exercises to that you can do that will not only strengthen your aura, they will improve your life, and how you feel about your life, and make it harder for anything negative to attach to your aura.
1) Repeating things you like about yourself!

I suggest making a list in a small notepad, and keeping it with you if you can. If you cannot carry it with you, keep it in a safe place and don’t forget to read it, and add to it every day!
Think of things that you like about yourself. If your list starts with one thing, that’s fine!
More will come to you. The more you think about it, the more will pop into your head. As you keep adding to your list daily, you will find things spontaneously pop into your head.
(This can be very important, self dislike and self hate weaken the aura more than anything else, has more of a negative effect on the aura than anything else. This makes you very, very vulnerable to negative vibrations).
If you have a very hard time finding things you like about yourself, start doing nice things for others, small things do count! Through this, the list will grow.
Even things like: “I am responsible enough to check my mail daily.” Or, “I am good at finding sales and coupons,” Do count!


This is the most important, and most powerful emotional tools you can use to change your aura, and your life.
As you lay down at night, start silently saying: ” Thank you” For what you DO have in your life.
If may not be easy at first, but you will find things to be thankful for. You can start with “Thank you for this soft pillow under my head.”
“Thank you for the bed to sleep on,”
“Thank you for the bus being on time today!”
“Thank you for my wonderful and loving pet!”
The trick is to keep doing it until you feel gratitude in your heart. That won’t happen right away.
Keep doing it every night. Don’t forget, the little things you have DO count. Some people in the world don’t have those things!
At one point your will start to feel the gratitude in your heart as you say thank you. This sometimes takes a week, sometimes a bit more, for a few, sometimes right away.
No matter how you feel that day, do it every night.
And, that is where the real magic starts!
I am promising it is going to be easy right away, and nobody can do it for you. But, if you keep it up every night, your heart will start to glow with happiness and gratitude…..and that will change your aura from the inside, and changing your aura will change your life.

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