Monday, September 1, 2014

How my Clairvoyance Works

Clairvoyance is a language of symbolic pictures used by the Divine to communicate with Clairvoyants. Great Spirit, our Angels, and our Guides, all use this symbol language to communicate messages of wisdom and love.

When callers ask me their first question the vision I see will describe the caller's current situation. As the caller continues to ask questions, the images change to answer each question directly.

During a recent reading, a lady was asking about her love interest. What I saw was him headed towards her. (This means he is interested in her, and headed in her direction). Yet, he was riding towards her on the back of a turtle! (The second part of the message was that he is moving very slow).
For another lady, the vision I had was her love interest standing out side her front door. Even though she motioned him to come in, he stayed outside. (This means he will not be entering her life in the way she hopes).
I had a gentleman client ask about his lady love. In this vision I saw her enter his home. She brought many suitcases with her that she set in the middle of his living room. The message was she will be in his life as he desires, but, she brings a lot of "baggage" with her.
My Guides are very funny, sometimes while they are explaining things, they get a good laugh out of my client. The images I see some times touch my callers deeply. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Inspiration From Over 100 Years Ago

                                           Mind is the Master-Power that Molds and makes,
                                           And Man is Mind, the evermore he takes
                                           The Tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills,
                                           Brings forth a thousand joys, and a thousand ills: --

                                            He thinks in secret and it comes to pass:
                                            Environment is but his looking glass.

                                                       ~James Allen (1864-1912) 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Your Aura: Protecting, Clearing and Strengthening


Protecting Your Aura:

1) Bubble of Protection)

Ask your Guardian Angles to put a bubble of protection around your aura, shielding you from all negative vibrations, or anything you would not want in your aura. You can do this step mentally, or out loud, whatever is most comfortable for you
As your Angels to do this, visualize the bubble forming, and becoming thick and strong.
If you ask your Angels to help, and also add your spiritual powers of visualization and intent, you will make a very strong shield!
Take your time with this. Give yourself 30 seconds to 3 minutes to shield yourself.
Gold, Purple, and Cobalt Blue are very popular colors for bubbles of protection. You can also have use layers of colors if you like. Layers of color will provide you with extra protection.
If you are around someone who has ill intent, wishes you harm, or very bad vibes, ask your Angels for an Emergency Bubble of Steel to Shield you! Again, use your spiritual powers of visualization, and of intent!
To make this shield extra strong, remember to focus on it for more than 30 seconds.
Any Bubble you create to protect yourself with, can be visualized again throughout the day as many times as you like! This will only make it more a powerful and impenetrable force.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Change, Faith, and New Shoes

A Mother knows what her child needs. A child simply knows what it wants.
When the time for change comes, Universe gives us a gentle nudge, and says: "This situation, person, or job, is not what you need anymore."

As a mother she says: "You have outgrown these shoes, they no longer fit."

Often, we hear her, yet, we keep trying to shove our feet in our old shoes. We want our old, familiar, and comfy shoes. The ones that have kept our feet warm and dry in many storms. Of course we want to keep them. We know them so well. We even know where the holes are.

But, we find the old will not fit anymore. No matter how hard we keep trying, we just can't get our foot in that shoe. And, because we cannot do that, we cannot stand up, walk, run or play. We just sit there fidgeting with that shoe.

Only becuase we have done exactly what little children are supposed to do. We have grown. And out-grown.

Universe, in her infinite love and wisdom has been watching us grow. And she provides us with what we need, what fits us at the time.

If we stubbornly keep trying to shove our feet in our old shoes, we only deplete our energy. If we throw a tantrum to Universe, we only upset ourselves.

Sometimes its easier to take a deep breath of faith, put on our new shoes of courage, and take that first step.

Great Mother sees much farther along the road ahead than we can.

She will always make sure we have the right shoes for the journey ahead.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Greatest Teachers of Compassion

Before you pass that homeless woman on the street, feeling so uncomfortable that you turn your head away and hurry by her... Stop.
Dig deep into your heart and soul.

Neither you nor I have walked in her shoes. We do not know her life story, the pains she has suffered is suffering from now.
We do not know why she is forced to face the humiliation of begging strangers on the street for change, covered in dirt, torn clothing.

No young child ever said to their parents: "I want to beg for my dinner when I grow up."

They want to fly planes, sail ships, be nurses, have adventures.

But, the world we live in is not that fair, no matter what we say to our children. As they grow, their hearts will break, and they will learn differently. Just as ours did when we learned that life is not fair.

The future of the human race is going to require much courage, brother hood, and compassion.

It is much easier to divert our eyes and rush by.
To say: "She is lazy."

"Get a job."

"She will just drink it all away."

"She needs to learn to do better, try harder"

But, are we not the ones who need to learn?

All the people in Japan suffering incredible loss, sorrow, and pain.
All the people without clean drinking water in Kenya.
All those in need of food and shelter in our own Country.
The list goes on and on.

We know that every day, on our planet there is starvation, war, and suffering. Becuase of the advanced technology we have now, we know it more than ever before.

Have these souls incarnated to teach us the courage, and the compassion it will take to to change the world? To teach us the meaning of brotherhood?

Have they chosen a life of suffering to be our greatest teachers?

Are they the great teachers, and we…

Only the humble students?

Before you turn your head away, closing off your heart to hurry by her, ask yourself: "Is there any other answer to all this suffering than more courage and our streets, our neighborhoods, across the globe?

Is there any other answer than you and I?
Just one small act of kindness can change a persons life.

There is one thing about the human race I am sure about.
We need each other.

Just as you and I need kindness, compassion, and a helping hand….so do our brothers and sisters.

If we save each other, we can save the world.

                                                                            Peace and Blessings,

                                                                    Pyschic, Mystic, Clairvoyant

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Psychic Prediction Comes True: An Emotional February Homecoming

Please Note: I would like to make a few comments about this prediction. First, this was not a reading on health. The reading was on if there could be a homecoming for wonderful woman, or, if she would have to stay in a rehab facility. I DO NOT DO READING ON HEALTH OR DEATH.

Please also note that Prayers, and following the advice I was given to tell this woman by the Divine was what helped this happy ending to come to fruition.

Clients Testimonial:
My mother had a stroke the end of this past December. After hearing from my two other readers that my mom was extremely ill, that she would not recover, probably would never come home, and would most likely die within about five months, I had many decisions to make and was feeling completely at a loss as to how best to help my mom. With a knot in my stomach and tears close to falling, I contacted Michelle for a reading. I asked if my mother would be coming home. She assured me she would come home and not go to an assisted living facility. She said she would end up being in the rehab center for a week longer than planned. She said caretakers would be found who could come into our home to help with her care while I was at work. She said to keep in mind that the final decision was in my hands and up to me. None of this seemed possible as she had already been there for the maximum number of weeks they could keep her. Funding for the number of caretakers hours she would need seemed out of our reach. I was asked to make a quick decision as to where she would go upon discharge from rehab - home or assisted living. Everyone involved was pushing hard for the assisted living center as she needed so much care and therapy. I remembered Michelle's words, prayed to my guardian angels for help, and said I was bringing her home. Like magic, the funding began to open up, problems with insurance coverage was resolved, the rehab center agreed to keep her for the additional days needed to finalize planning, and yes, my mom is home. She is regaining her ability to walk and talk ever so slowly with the help of in-home therapists, but there is noticeable improvement every day. The laughter in our home as we work together to help her recover is contagious to those who come into our home to help her recover. Her therapists and doctors are amazed at the changes! Everything has fallen into place exactly as Michelle said it would. I look forward to the times when my mom "starts telling her stories again" and watching her live many more years just as Michelle said will happen. I don't need other readers any longer ... I found Michelle and I believe in her abilities to clearly see what I need to know.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Never Underestimate the Power of your Good Deeds

You are a Powerful Being of Light.

A kind word,

A smile in the grocery store,

A donation to the local animal shelter.

It takes one moment, and it lights up a world that sometimes feels like such a dark place.

You are not creating the light that lights up the world.

You are a Being of Light.

The light is within.

Let it shine.

Strangers have changed my life,

Changed my path,

Even, changed me.

The man who pulled over to share his cell phone and a cigarette when my car caught on fire on the LA freeway.

The Tarot reader who took all my calls when I was very suddenly dumped.

The woman who offered me a cool drink, a warm hug, and a prayer when she saw me tearfully scattering ashes my grandmother's ashes....alone.

I will never see any of these people again. I only got to thank them once.

They probably do not even remember me.

And I am sure they do not have any idea what an impact they made of my life.

Each one shined their light for me when all I could see was darkness.

And even more than that,

They reaffirmed my faith in the goodness humanity.

And that is a very powerful thing....

Because it made me want to do more good by others.

You are a powerful being,

Your are a being of spirit,

You are a being of light...


Friday, January 21, 2011

A Beautiful Mantra for Easing Anxiety and Stess

Tara is Bodhisattva (enlightened one) who has chosen in each of her incarnations in a female body to show that a woman can reach enlightenment, just as a man can. (In the beginning of Buddhism this was not an accepted idea). After many incarnations (Each incarnation is represented by a different color, each color corresponding with the lessons she helps us to learn). Today Tara is recognized and revered by Buddhist everywhere.
In her incarnation as Green Tara, she brings us the gift of wisdom of enlightened activity. Green represent the air in Buddhism, as she is swift as the air to answer prayers, and also help us overcome obstacles. Everything about her is compassion. She herself is compassion.
I would like to share with you what she has shared with me.
This is her mantra. It is beautiful, easy to understand, and will bring you peace in times of stress, and freedom from your the anxious thoughts. To just listen, or, sing along and she will bring you much peace
I have even found Tara’s Mantra brings me peace when I am anxious, and joy when I am at peace. I even sing it too my parakeets when they are upset, and they also find it soothing.
You can sing it as little or as much as you want. If you keep with it, you will find peace and joy entering your life….without any of your outside circumstances changing…..just peace and joy to flow through your soul.

                                           LISTEN TO GREEN TARA'S MANTRA HERE


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Personal Signs from Your Angels

This is one of my favorite ways to get direction from Great Spirit and the Angels. Anyone can do it.
It is your divine right. We are all part of, and connected to, the divine.
When you have a situation you do not know the solution too, or are not sure which path to take, just ask for a sign.
I use prayer to ask for my signs, just because prayer is what works best for me. You can ask in anyway that is comfortable for you. You can ask for a sign out loud, whisper your request, or state it firmly in your mind.
Your angels will hear you.
I do have to warn you, you may not like the answer you get. Please be sure you are ready to know the answer before you ask.
The Angels will do their best to help you in anyway they can. If you ask for something will bring it too you. Please be open to the answer they bring, their only desire is to help you.
Most of my signs come to me from the animal world. A feather in in the road means I am on the right path. An unexpected visit from squirrel means I need to start saving my nuts (money) for a rainy day. Flies around me mean there is someone suspicious near me. Crows, mean change. The more crows, the bigger the change. My angels give me signs from the animal kingdom, because they know that is where I keep my lookout for signs.
Your Angels know you just as well, and will use means in your daily life to bring you a sign. A name on a license plate, phone call out of the blue with some helpful advice (Spirit often works though people). An overheard conversation by two strangers.
You really never know.
But, if you ask, the sign will come.
The hard part is being open to the answers. If you have a block here, the key is to have an open mind. Also, remember that all Angel messages come from a place of love.
The more you ask, the more signs you will receive from your Angels. Once they know you are listening, they will try to communicate with you more.
Oh, and do not forget to say thank you for your signs when you receive them. Doing so strengthens your rapport with your angels.
There is a great book on the subject by Denise Linn called The Secret Language of Signs.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Reason to Never Ever Give up

Theodor Seuss Geiselis loved to draw. He was considered an only an average student at University, and dropped out. He married. Through the Great Depression, he and  his bride struggled to make ends meet with the money he made here and there. They did see a few small victories, but, those always seemed to be over shadowed by another, larger, defeat.

Then Theodor wrote a children's book.
He sent it to 27 publishers. It was rejected 27 Times.

After the last rejection, he decided it was another failure, bundeled up the manuscript, and headed home to burn it.

On his way home he ran into on old friend on Madison Avenue. Amazingly, this man had only hours before, been named the children’s editor of Vanguard Press. Theodor's book was read, purchased, and and puplished. It was titled  And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street.

Between 1937 and 1991 he published 47 books. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize, and to this day, his work delights millions of children.
You and I know him as Dr. Seuss.

Never, ever give up. You have no idea if there is an old friend, or an Angel waiting for you on Madison Avenue. Nor, do you know how very important your work is in this world, or how many others you may inspire, teach, and delight.